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 1. Dr. Bill Brown  Postmodernism and the Emerging Church  Cedarville University Chapel 
 2. Gerry Breshears  Emerging Church  Reformission Conference 2004 
 3. Gerry Breshears  Emerging Church  Reformission Conference 2004 
 4. Gerry Breshears  Emerging Church  Reformission Conference 2004 
 5. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  Key Topics in the Emerging Church  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 6. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  Key Topics in the Emerging Church  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 7. Mark Driscoll  Session 3 - The Emerging Church  SEBTS Convergent Conference 
 8. Pastors Jon Sharp/Ken Silva  Living In The Way - The Emerging Church  The Way Christian Fellowship - Episode 0001 
 9. Dr. Stephen Jones  The Frontier of an Emerging Church  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 10. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  Key Topics in the Emerging Church  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 11. Dr. Stephen Jones  The Frontier of an Emerging Church  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 12. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  The Emerging Church Movement  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 13. Mark Driscoll  Session 3 - The Emerging Church  SEBTS Convergent Conference 
 14. Phil Johnson  2-The Emerging Church: What is it, and Haven't we Seen it Somewhere Before?  The Emerging Church 
 15. Dr. Stephen Jones  The Frontier of an Emerging Church  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 16. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  The Emerging Church Movement  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 17. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  Key Topics in the Emerging Church  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 18. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  The Emerging Church Movement  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 19. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  The Emerging Church Movement  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 20. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  The Emerging Church Movement (1 of 3)  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 21. Mark Driscoll  Session 3 - The Emerging Church  SEBTS Convergent Conference 
 22. Mark Driscoll  Session 3 - The Emerging Church  SEBTS Convergent Conference 
 23. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  Key Topics in the Emerging Church  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 24. Mark L. Bailey, Mark H. Heinemann, Glenn R. Kreider, and Andrew B. Seidel  Key Topics in the Emerging Church (1 of 3)  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 25. Castle Church  The Emerging Church and Cultural Captivity  Christ the Center: Doctrine for Life 
 26. Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel  The Imaginary Eschatology of the Emerging Church  Critical Issues Commentary Radio 
 27. Brian McLaren  The Emerging Church & Mainline Theological Education - BETTER  Emerging Church/Theological Education Caucus 
 28. Patrick,Darren  The History And Popular Terms Of The Emerging Church Pt 1  firefighters.org 
 29. Cary Tennis  Postmodernism   
 30. Dr. Phil Fernandes  POSTMODERNISM 2   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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